Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tenacious Tom

i put you out,
tenacious tom.

you pay no rent;
i put you out.
all my best rooms are yours:
my brain and heart.

get out
feral feline!
i put you out.

disconnect the electric,
throw water on the fire;
i put you out-

stubborn desire!

Her Curses

my soulmate loads me
night and day with her curses,
honey always on her lips,
yet i know she loves me.


i equally expend myself
day and night
in perservering longing-
knowing too well
my hopeless love.

But Now

oft, i have strolled near the garden

the fertile fragrance wafted
o'er my insatiate senses
and the honeysuckle
drew the bumblebee from its hive
to silken stamen cup,

her pollen was potent
her nectared petals shimmering saccharine stars
her verdant vines summoning venus,

but now